Types of Defects:
1) User Interface bugs (Low Severity):
1) User Interface bugs (Low Severity):
- Spelling mistakes(High Priority)
- Important Alignment(Low Priority)
- Doesn't allows valid type(High Priority)
- Allows invalid type also(Low Priority)
- Doesn't Provide error message window(High Priority)
- Improper meaning of error message (Low Priority)
- Final Output is wrong (Low Priority)
- Dependent Results are Wrong (High Priority)
- Dead Locks (High Priority)
- Improper order of services (Low Priority)
- Doesn't allow multiple users to access (High Priority)
- Doesn't allow customers accepted load (Low Priority)
- Doesn't handle device (High Priority)
- Wrong output from device (Low Priority)
- Logo Missing, Wrong Logo, Version No Mistake, Copyright window missing.
- Differences between two consecutive build versions
- Mistake in Help Documents - Manual Support.
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